California Doctors now Recommending Medical Marijuana for Minors with ADHD

3 12 2009

Since legalizing medical marijuana in 2004, California has issued over 36,000 cards to California patients, and the number is growing in young adults and children.

Doctors are not just signing off on medical marijuana use for teens and children, but they’re now recommending the use of it for children with ADHD.

“For some kids, it appears to be more effective than traditional treatments. And marijuana certainly has fewer potential dangers than Ritalin.”

The use of medical marijuana in children is still a growing “hot topic” but it would appear that many doctors have given it the thumbs up.

Autistic Boy Uses Medical Marijuana With Suprising Results

21 11 2009

A family in S. California reportedly resorted to medical marijuana when their 10 year old son’s autism symptoms began to worsen.

His father states that he began hurting other children at school and pulling appliances down in their home. He said that he would have to hold him for an hour until he would calm down.

The boys parents turned to medical marijuana after consulting the conventional doctors who put him on drugs that had all kinds of negative side-effects.  His parents say that they made him gain 20 pounds, “He was getting more dangerous, bigger, stronger.”

The family finally opted for an unconventional and controversial treatment; medical marijuana. They report that it has resulted in a much calmer Sam.

Initially they made appointments with a cannabis doctor to get his medicine, but now they’re growing Sam’s new medicine in their backyard.

His rage and anxiousness just went away. They began the new treatment when Sam was 8 and they give him the medicine as needed, not necessarily everyday. His father puts it in a piece of melon and gives it to the boy.

Watch the interview by KTLA by clicking here.